KaTiEz SiTe!


aBoUt MeH
ShOuT oUtZ tO mUh GuRlZ!
sHoUt OuT tO mUh BoYz!
mOrE pIcTuReZ
SaDiEz PiCtUrEz
bEsT fRiEndZ
I AM Women
MuH dOgGiEz!!!
sUm ReAlLy KoOl LiNkZ
CoNtAcT mEh
I AM Women

Just F.Y.I I got this Poem from my bestestestestestestest Friend Cassi... :)


~I am Women~

I shave my legs,
I sit down to pee,
And I can justify any shopping spree
Dont go to a barber,
But a beauty salon,
I can get a massage without getting a hard on
I can balance a checkbook,
And pump my own gas,
Can talk to my friends,
About the size of my @$$
My beauty is masterpiece
And yes it takes long,
At least I can admit to others when I am wrong,
I dont drive in circles at any cost
& I dont have a problem admitting Im lost
I never forget an important date
You just gotta deal with it,
Im usually late
I dont watch movies with lots of gore
Dont need instant replay,
To remember the score
I wont lose my hair
I dont get jock itch
And just cause Im assertive
Dont call me a b****!
Dont say to your friends,
Oh yeah I can get her
In your dreams
My dear
I can do better!
Flowers are OK
Jewelery is BEST
Would you look at my face,
And NOT at my chest?!
I dont have a problem expressing my feelings
I kno when your lying
You look at the ceiling
Dont call me a girl, a babe, or a chick
I am WOMEN, get it, you PRICK!?